Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Alvin Products

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Stir thoroughly before use. No heat or additive is necessary in order for Lab-metal to harden -- simply expose to air. (Lab-metal must be exposed to air in order to harden!) The surface must be dry and clean, free of paint, oil and dirt. Use Lab-solvent to clean the surface. Abrade (or roughen) the surface for better adhesion. Methods of application:

Spreading Lab-metal

Apply with a putty knife, spatula, trowel, caulking gun, or flexible squeegee. (Lab-metal is now available in 20 oz. caulking tubes.) When filling deep holes or cavities, apply Lab-metal in layers no thicker than 3/8", allowing each to dry before applying the next. For vertical or over-head applications, pour the required amount into an open container and stir. The Lab-metal will be less fluid, reducing the possibility of sagging.

Brushing Lab-metal

Thin Lab-metal to paint consistency with Lab-solvent. One part each is suggested for brushing consistency. Pour Lab-solvent into a wide-mouth container, such as a clean paint pail. When painting the thinned Lab-metal, dip the brush in Lab-solvent frequently to keep bristles free and prevent clogging. Lab-metal should be applied with light brush strokes; not worked over as with paint.

Spraying Lab-metal

Thin Lab-metal with Lab-solvent. Use an external mix spray head, set at roughly 65 pounds of air pressure to eliminate clogging. For larger quantities, use an agitator tank. (Spray equipment manufacturer should recommend proper equipment.) Clean the gun thoroughly with Lab-solvent immediately after use. When applying Lab-metal in closed areas such as tank interiors, provide proper ventilation and use NIOSH approved self contained breathing apparatus. Avoid any striking of metal on metal that could cause sparks.

Special instructions for powder coaters

Lab-metal and Hi-Temp Lab-metal repairs may be powder coated without outgassing or ‘popping out’. Use regular Lab-metal for temperatures to 350ºF (or up to 425ºF for one-time exposures of less than 20 minutes). Use Hi-Temp Lab-metal for baking temperatures higher than 425ºF (for more than 20 minutes), and for parts requiring multiple high-temperature oven passes. (See Hi-Temp Lab-metal instructions.)

Drying time

Brush and spray applications dry very quickly. Otherwise, the thickness of application determines drying time. Lab-metal hardens as the dilutents evaporate. Under ordinary conditions, a 1/16 inch application will harden in one to two hours. A 1/8 inch application will harden in three to four hours. Drying time can be accelerated by the careful use of infrared lamps. Other methods of force curing Lab-metal are not recommended.

For deep pits or holes, laminate (or layer) Lab-metal in successive layers (no thicker than 3/8" per layer), and allow to completely harden before building up. This will speed the process and give the most satisfactory results.


Lab-metal is guaranteed for two years in factory-sealed cans. Before closing a can of Lab-metal, pour a small amount of Lab-solvent over the remaining Lab-metal and cover tightly. (This prevents exposure to air which will accelerate hardening of Lab-metal). Before the next use, thoroughly mix the solvent-blend into the Lab-metal. Store in a cool place.

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